Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Tuesday In India: Why Oh So Silent?

You will be surprised to know how surprised I was that I was never able to verbalize it.. To let it out. To share it on the paper.

It was like heavy, undigested meat stuck in my stomach.

Like a mucus ball glued in the end of my throat in the morning shower.

Like a tiny needle in a huge pillow full of feathers. You know it's there and you can't sleep.

I was living only that moment, only today, and today was never shared. Not even tomorrow.

You wouldn't believe it.

I lived in India for almost 3 years and I have never written a word on it.

Not a word on that experience which was maddeningly moody, extraordinary wonderful, sometimes haunting till tears or diarrhea and…oh so very different.

For a person who prefers texting instead of calling, it’s rather weird.

For a person who is a pure copywriter at heart, it’s unforgivable.

But this flood is starting to come out.

Sparkling, muddy, uncontrollable water of memories, ideas, adventures will flood me and you every Tuesday.

Otherwise, I'll be haunted forever. My Muse said so. She actually Tweeted Me.

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