Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Tuesday In India: Your Heart Will Sink When You See This

In December 1995 an Indian farmer committed suicide after being unable to pay off his debts.

Then all hell broke loose.

An epidemic of suicides among farmers followed in a flash.

Today’s news is alarming: every 30 minutes one Indian farmer commits suicide.

Aiming to raise awareness and fund grieving families, The Times of India has started the initiative, called ‘Save the farmer’s family’.

The 2-minute video focuses on a poor family which is trying to survive after a father’s suicide. There are no beautified corners and no happy ending.

P.S. When you’re done reading, I’d love for you to share your favourite campaign used to raise awareness for social issues? Leave a comment or Tweet me, let's chat!


  1. "Jai Jawan Jai Kisan"(Hail the soldier, hail the farmer) was a slogan raised by our first Prime Minister, Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri. Sadly, none of them have been able to live a comforted and secured life. The latter as the video shows, suffering even more. Great one, Aiste.

  2. Here's a social campaign that came out some years ago. This one's about respecting the national anthem of your nation. Though it's not as hard-hitting or heart-wrenching, it surely does make an impact.

  3. Thanks Karan, a really insightful comment. I'm just sad to hear all these tragic life stories so often and feel that nothing is much changing.

    P.S. I remember seeing this campaign some time ago and it's beautiful. Since I came to India and started standing to the Indian anthem before every movie (and first times, it was oh-so-weird), I wanted to dig deeper and understand this enormous respect for nation's symbols (which is quite different here in Europe).
