Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Tuesday in India: You'll Never Look at Festivals The Same Way Again

Regular terror attacks in India send shivers down my spine.

That's why every initiative by the police to tackle this issue is welcomed with open arms.

Recently Mumbai Police has launched a film campaign in Mumbai cinemas urging citizens to stay alert and look for suspicious objects during the Ganapati festival. Time and again people go about the celebrations without paying attention to anything fishy. And this is a biggie.

Stay observant and keep your eye on the ball.

 P.S. When you’re done reading, I’d love for you to share your favourite campaign this year? Leave a comment or Tweet me, let's chat!

Friday, 26 September 2014

Friday Research: Take Driver's Seat to Impress Your Online Shopper

When Will You Use This?  

Developing your website and creating a better online experience for your customers.

What’s The Red-Letter Bite Today? 

In recent years the Internet has become the main channel for consumers in search for products and services. However, the field of online retailing needs more investigation to understand what’s really significant in this new virtual environment.

Current research* uses pleasure, arousal, and dominance (PAD) model, seeking to extend existing knowledge about consumers’ activities in online retail environments by focusing on the largely ignored role of perceived dominance. If you don't know much about PAD, the original model was created by Mehrabian and Russell (1974) and it suggests that the organism response reflects the individual‘s emotional states. All emotional reactions to an environment can be categorized into 3 dimensions: pleasure, arousal, and dominance (shortly, PAD). Pleasure-displeasure dimension refers to the degree to which an individual feels happy, satisfied, pleased with the situation; arousal-unarousal dimension refers to the degree to which an individual feels stimulated, excited, energetic in the situation; dominance-submissiveness dimension refers to the degree to which an individual feels control over or free to act in the situation.

It is revealed that perceived dominance or influence over oneself has direct effects on purchasing intentions, as well as indirect impacts through pleasure. The impact of perceived dominance on pleasure also is moderated by situational involvement. Moreover, whereas high task-relevant cues exert significant effects on perceived dominance, low task-relevant cues influence arousal.

Will She Respond to Website Atmosphere as to Real Life?

Addition To Your Bag of Tricks    

This research shares a few insights to help you develop a better online experience for your customers and of course, get more conversions. The results reveal the significant effect of high task-relevant cues on dominance, meaning, tasks that are directly related to shopping goals (verbal website content, pictures of products, navigation aids, etc) should help your customer feel totally informed and confident to make the right decision, your website should radiate power and soft authority to influence the shopper.

Moreover, this study found that low task-relevant cues have an effect on arousal, which means that such website elements as colors, background patterns, fonts, icons, music, etc should arouse, stimulate and excite your customers in order to influence their shopping behaviour.

*Jung-Kuei Hsieh, Yi-Ching Hsieh, Hung-Chang Chiu, Ya-Ru Yang,"Customer Response to Web Site Atmospherics: Task-relevant Cues, Situational Involvement and PAD" Journal of Interactive Marketing, August 2014 {Thanks for the material}

P.S. When you’re done reading, I’d love for you to share your experience with creating great online experience for your customers? Leave a comment or Tweet me, let's chat!

P.P.S. Need some help on crafting your marketing message? Let's do this together.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Tuesday in India: BMW is Making the Most of 'Live The Moment' Movement

If you're not enjoying yourself, what's the point?

That's the idea BMW, one of the most searched luxury car brands in India, wants you to embrace after watching their new ad.

Neat and appealing. But is it enough to convince future-oriented Indians to live as if there is no tomorrow?

 P.S. When you’re done reading, I’d love for you to share your favourite campaign this year? Leave a comment or Tweet me, let's chat!

Friday, 19 September 2014

Friday Research: Months to Find New Customer, Seconds to Lose Existing One

When Will You Use This?  

Planning and developing acquisition campaigns.

What’s The Red-Letter Bite Today? 

Customer acquisition marketing campaigns can be your landslide victory if executed well.

Current research* examines the effect of attractively priced acquisition campaigns on existing customers' retention intention, retention and customer lifetime value (CLV).

The study reveals that customers who are aware of the acquisition campaigns (they know about the process of bringing new customers to the brand that they use) both have a significantly higher intention to stay and do actually stay longer with the brand than do customers who are unaware of these campaigns.

Moreover, there is a positive effect of campaign attractiveness on retention intention, which means that if the customer thinks the acquisition campaign is pleasing, appeals to the senses, has qualities which arouse interest, the retention intention will be higher.

What Are The Ways of Gaining New Customers Without Losing Existing Ones? There Are Many Answers..


*Lhoest-Snoeck, S., van Nierop, E., Verhoef, P.C., ‘For New Customers Only: A Study on the Effect of Acquisition Campaigns on a Service Company's Existing Customers' CLV' Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol 28 (08/2014) {Thanks for the material}

P.S. When you’re done reading, I’d love for you to share your experience with customer acquisition campaigns? Leave a comment or Tweet me, let's chat!

P.P.S. Need some help on crafting your marketing message? Let's do this together.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Tuesday in India: “Thank god for coffee. It kept me go-go-going and kept you a-a-awake!”

Has this ad just stuttered its way into our hearts?

Nestle India revitalized its coffee brand Nescafe with a fresh theme – ‘It all starts with a Nescafe’ and the results look awesome.

Cerified strategy: turn your weakness into your strength.

P.S. When you’re done reading, I’d love for you to share your favourite campaign this year? Leave a comment or Tweet me, let's chat!

Friday, 12 September 2014

Friday Research: Why Your Shoppers Want to Consult Salesperson?

When Will You Use This?  

To improve your understanding of shoppers behavior, training your salespeople.

What’s The Red-Letter Bite Today? 

Most retailers believe in the value of salesperson consultation. But does it really increase store performance and, if so, what could motivate shoppers to seek salesperson's help?

Current research* investigates 425 shoppers and develops a model of four utilitarian and hedonic motivators of shopper consultation with salespeople. The results demonstrate that situational and individual influences, both utilitarian (i.e., shoppers’ purchase uncertainty and efficiency orientation) and hedonic (i.e., shoppers’ situation-related affect toward salespeople and shopping enjoyment) motivate retail shoppers to consult with salespeople. Moreover, salesperson consultation is found to be positively related to the amount of money spent by shoppers.

Don't Be Fooled: Purchase Uncertainty is Only One Possible Motivator Of Seeking A Salesperson

*Haas A., Kenning P. "Utilitarian and Hedonic Motivators of Shoppers’ Decision to Consult with Salespeople", Journal of Retailing (June, 2014) {Thanks for the material}

P.S. When you’re done reading, I’d love for you to share your experience with motivating shoppers for salespeople consultation? Leave a comment or Tweet me, let's chat!

P.P.S. Need some help on crafting your marketing message? Let's do this together.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Tuesday in India: Lufthansa, Moving Indians With Fresh Marketing

India is a big, important market for the eager German airlines Lufthansa.

And they want to make a good impression.

Or change the intuitive not-so-good one.

‘More Indian than you think’ campaign is cute and connects well with a viewer, I feel.

Way to go.

P.S. When you’re done reading, I’d love for you to share your favourite campaign this year? Leave a comment or Tweet me, let's chat!

Friday, 5 September 2014

Friday Research: Customers Enslaved With Freedom And Choice

When Will You Use This?  

Researching consumers’ decision process and developing further marketing activities.

What’s The Red-Letter Bite Today? 

With so much freedom of choice and so many sources of information, today's consumer is empowered and overloaded at the same time.

Current review* investigates how consumer empowerment can make decisions more complex, make tradeoffs more difficult, or lead consumers to be less certain about their preferences. As authors explain “several key factors play a role in how consumer empowerment impacts decision difficulty including consumer knowledge and maximization tendencies, information type and organization, and consumers’ a priori expectations of a decision’s difficulty. Our review of these factors reveals that consumers are more likely to experience decision difficulty in an empowered consumer environment when they possess low knowledge or less developed preferences. Consumers who have a tendency to maximize or to seek the absolute best option rather than settle for one that is good enough face more challenges with choice freedom and expansion of information. Decision environments where choice options are presented one at a time in an alternative-based format or where options are distinguished by unique features are likely to exacerbate consumer difficulty. Additionally, consumers hold lay beliefs that decision difficulty = decision importance, and they display dysfunctional behavior when this expectation is violated. For example, when important decisions prove easier than expected, consumers complicate the situation as a way of enacting due decision diligence (Schrift, Netzer, & Kivetz 2011)."

Overburden: Too Many Fish in The Sea to Miss One?

Addition To Your Bag of Tricks    

Current review can help you to better understand the “impact of expanding product lines, offering greater possibilities to customize, providing more product information, and enabling greater access to consumer and expert reviews.” Decision aids such as preference learning tools, product filtering and comparison tools, recommendations, defaults, etc, created to assist consumers and ease the decision process – can actually backfire and make everything more complicated. Check the review * for more details and specific suggestions.

*Webb A., Peck J., ‘Individual Differences in Interpersonal Touch: On the Development, Validation, and Use of the 'Comfort with Interpersonal Touch' (CIT) Scale. Journal of Consumer Psychology (2014 Forthcoming) {Thanks for the material}

P.S. When you’re done reading, I’d love for you to share your experience with assuring consumers about their choices? Leave a comment or Tweet me, let's chat!

P.P.S. Need some help on crafting your marketing message? Let's do this together.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Tuesday in India: No Hushed Tone in This Whisper Campaign

Can you imagine that 54% of urban women in India believe in not watering plants during periods?

And what about areas where the menstruating females are isolated in the rooms to make sure they don't touch a thing?

Various period taboos are still strong in India and "Don'ts" has been ruling during period days for ages. 

Recently the sanitary napkin brand Whisper launched a campaign on a very surprising taboo to raise awareness on this eternal issue.

 Unjustified taboos - busted! You're free to #TouchThePickle

P.S. When you’re done reading, I’d love for you to share your favourite campaign this year? Leave a comment or Tweet me, let's chat!