When Will You Use This?
Creating your brand’s messages and slogans. All messages can be effective and counterproductive, depending on how they meet consumers’ communication expectations.
What’s The Red-Letter Bite Today?
Previous studies confirmed that positive mood affects communication expectations in such a way that hearers are more open to assertive language. Also, when the language of a request matches communication expectations, compliance is elevated.
The current series of experiments* show that assertiveness is more effective in communications involving hedonic products, as well as hedonically advertised utilitarian products. The researchers propose the following process: "a reference to hedonic consumption elevates positive mood; consequently, language usage and expectations are possibly altered toward more blunt, direct, or assertive language; messages promoting hedonic consumption in an assertive fashion (e.g., Take a ride on the flying balloon!) meet communication expectations more than nonassertive messages (e.g., Why don’t you take a ride on the flying balloon?), and the fit between expectations and the actual message language may facilitate consumer compliance when the language is assertive.”
Addition To Your Bag of Tricks
As the phrasing of persuasive messages is critical to achieve your goals, you should be very attentive while creating your lines. Based on insights from this study, use more assertive lines in the context of hedonic consumption (or where utilitarian products are described in hedonic terms).
* Kronrod, A., Grinstein, A., & Wathieu, L. (2012). Enjoy! Hedonic consumption and compliance with assertive messages. Journal of Consumer Research, 39, 51–61. {Thanks for the material}
P.P.S. Need some help on creating your Promotional Message? Let's do this together.
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